A few days ago

What should I go to college to study?

I know that this is a decision I can only really make. But, I am having trouble deciding. I have always been interested in law, and therefore, always wanted to study law, I’m not sure exactly what though. My cousin got a degree in law and now can not find a job. So, I thought possibly I will do nursing, in plus I am really good in science. However, I am being told that by the time I graduate from all that, nursing will no longer be in demand.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

When I was in college (about 10 years ago) the really hot career was Physical Therapy and lots and lots of people were going into it because of that, not because it was something they really wanted to do but because the jobs were supposed to be in demand and you could make decent money. I considered it for a while but I deceded instead to major in something I was really passionate about. I’m really glad I did that because when all those Physical Therapy students graduated and saturated the market, all the people I knew who got that degree couldn’t get a job after graduation.

If you decide to go to college you should study something you’re interested in and are passionate about. There are no guarantees in life so if you can’t get a job after graduation in the area you studied in then you’ll be really bitter if you also didn’t love what you got your degree in.


A few days ago
old lady
It’s hard to imagine a time when nurses won’t be in demand – many of the nurses are stepping up their credentials to become para-medics, that is, they are taking over some of the responsibilities that used to be the exclusive prerogative of the doctors.

Law is an overcrowded profession – whether it will remain that way or not is anybody’s guess, but there are many, many branches of law and your cousin may not have explored some of the avenues. Civil law, corporate law, and of course, the glamor kid – courtroom law. But only you can say which you would find interesting enough to involve yourself in on a fulltime basis.

But have you thought of moving up from nursing to either lab tech (there are some really exciting advances in medical science) or to becoming a doctor? Neither of these categories is going to be phased out anytime soon.


A few days ago
I’m a firm believer that you should study what interests you and find a way to apply it in the real world. Just because your cousin can’t find a job doesn’t mean you won’t be able to, it might just mean he’s not a very good lawyer. Many colleges offer “exploration” type programs where you can learn about different majors and careers. If you’re still in doubt, take some intro-level courses in what you think would interest you, and if you still like that topic, then pursue it.

A few days ago
if u want 2 go in2 law than go 2 harvard (that’s kinda expensive tho). or go 2 MSU, their college is huge and really good. i don’t think it’s really, really, xpensive.