A few days ago

What kind of degree should I get?

I don’t care what I do for work I just want to have job security and a job in the future and I don’t want to be poor.I see a lot of engineer jobs in Ca. I don’t understand college courses and how to make money at all I have a H.S diploma but I don’t understand how to get out of this and get a good job

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
in pain

Favorite Answer

I was in that position and joined the military.

try taking an aptitude test. Engineering jobs in Ca.? check on welding as well its on the same path and a shorter run to a certification.


A few days ago
As with most things, there is a trade-off between risk and return – the jobs that pay well are usually the more volatile ones. There may be a lot of engineering jobs in California, but the market for engineers goes up and down, and in the forty years I’ve been here, I’ve seen lots of layoffs in those industries You may not care what you do, but what can you do well? Have you considered accounting? It is one of the most stable jobs around, yet because there is a shortage, the salaries are really good.

If you are currently in college,go to your school’s career center. They can give you an aptitude test that tells you what you might be good at, and you can choose from those possibilities.


5 years ago
Bachelor’s Degree in Literature and English? 🙂

A few days ago
Are you good at math? Look up actuary. This is a very profitable, self satisfying career.

A few days ago
go to a community college and talk to a career counsilor