A few days ago

What is your word of wisdom to someone who is starting college?

for the first time this spring (at age 31) as a freshman.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Congratulations! You have made a wise decision to go to college. Make sure you meet with an academic advisor to plan your course of studies. Also get a current catalog of courses from the bookstore so you can keep on track.

If you are undecided about your career, make an appointment with the college career counselor. S/He has lots of resources to assist you in exploring your career options. You have time to discover your interests by taking various courses in fulfillment of your general education requirements.

Do your best and make time to study. Financial aid is available to help you concentrate on school while meeting your expenses. Study with people in your classes. This makes it more interesting, and you will make some great friends, too.

Best wishes.


A few days ago
Congrats. Have a great time. Don’t overload your schedule so that you have a hard time doing your studying. Allow time to do each class without putting a strain on yourself. I have two in college and I told them I would rather them take an extra year to get done than to overload and not have the time to study and fail. Good luck.

A few days ago
Prof. Dave
Go to all your classes, take good notes, then rewrite all your notes again as soon as you can after class. You will be amazed at how much you will remember when it comes time to study for a test just by doing that.

A few days ago
Enjoy it!

I went back to University at 30 and I had a ball. my only regret was that I didn’t get involved with the groups and fun things that the school had to offer.


A few days ago
Note all due dates/test dates and start assignments early. Space them out, so you’re not stuck with and overnighter.

If you don’t understand something, ask.

Develop good study habits and take notes.


A few days ago
Congratulations my friend, Bravo! Get enough sleep, eat well, and strive to be the best you can. If you need help ask for it…You must be excited