A few days ago

what is an easy way to study?

ok.. I have a problem, I might keep my textbook open,

but my head is always somewhere else e.g. my crush or what I’m gonna do later. can y

I really wanna do well at uni. but now it seems like I’m not even interested in my favourite subject. what should I do to get back on track??

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

you won’t find anything easy if you don’t like it.

so you have to actually like studying so that it would be easy!

but that’s not easy, is it? hah! well, you just have to find motivation somewhere. you have to know what you reaaaalllyyy want. you said you want to do well at uni. then ask yourself, how much do you really want it?

then when you have the answer, do everything to get what you want.

there are lots of ways. carry something around that would remind you of your goal so that when you’re distracted you could immediately go back to what you should be doing, make a strict schedule when to study so that you could have ample time to do everything else you want to do, have your own study space conducive for studying, or even something like what a friend suggested, offer each page of what you’re studying for an intention for another person, example this page is dedicated to the healing of this friend, etc, yeah it can get as crazy as that, just have that motivation, drive, inspiration somewhere!

these are just ideas, suggestions, but it actually all boils down really to how much you really want to achieve your goal. i mean, even if you already know what exactly to do to achieve it, you’d still find so many excuses and reasons to not do the necessary steps if you didn’t really want it that much. so you gotta really want it.

good luck!


A few days ago
deji k
First u have to davelop interest in your subjects failure to do this means u dont know what u are doing which is wrong as an undergraduate.After u have developed interest to a high percentage,u shold use the formular: I / S R J * C. Where I stands for Idealization of what u are to read which is based on what its all about, S stands for Scanning through the topics of the subjects, R stands for reading through the subject, J stands for jotting the points u have memorised and C for consolidation of all u have taken into your memory.TRY THESE AND TELL ME YOUR RESPONSE.

A few days ago
No probs its common for everyone.i think that if you dont have any interest to study then you keep away your book aside for some time and do things which you like because you if you stress your mind in the book then your mind does not makes you to concentrate.So after some time if you take your book you feel to be somewhat relaxed and what you study can be easily memorised.

A few days ago
you have to find what works for you…some people need to remove distractions…some people study better where there ARE distractions.

I think you might be better off finding a study-buddy…NOT someone you are going to sit around and giggle with, but really study!


A few days ago
read motivation books and when studying dont think about crushes….think about ur future!

A few days ago
just push yourself do it like all ppl do