A few days ago

What are your opinions on Vanderbilt Univ? Tips on getting in? If you got in what were your SAT/ACT scores?

Thanks so much. I am shooting for about a 660-700 on each section of the SAT and I am pretty sure I can do well on the ACT. My class rank is around 2nd-4th out of about 30. My GPA is 4.0 and I am taking difficult classes. I also have some nice extracurriculars. So…. what are your thoughts? If you got in Vandy what were your scores like? Thanks so much! : )

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Whenever I want to get in something I am not sure about what is at the door, I approach the bosses, and ask them what they feel I need to be on their team…

You might consider taking all you resume and qualifications, and dong that with a Dean… Show him all your enthusiasm.. but do not over sell… And when he is talking be Silent… Be honest, to the point, make short and concise statements… and by the time you’re finished, you will probably have earned a recommendation by that Dean… and you’re in…

When I was 15, I had a chemistry set, and I needed several restricted chemicals to make the explosives I had found the formulas of in a couple university chemistry manuals… So I researched those chemicals in the Merck index, and determined how they were used in other than explosives, and concocted a story about how I was using the chemicals for a biology project in elementary school… The Dean gave me a letter and list to take to chemistry stores, and the lab fellow filled my order for free… And all the next week I was playing with extremely high explosives and detonator explosives… like nitrogen tri-iodide, gold explosive, shaped ammonium nitrate charges, picric acid, plastique, lead azide, and hydrazine/peroxide rocket fuels.. to name a few… Heck!, my rockets had little high-explosive “warheads” in them, and would fly about a mile or two before detonating a quarter mile up…

It can’t happen today, with all the cautions and terrorisms going on all ’round the world these days… Back then things were a lot more relaxed… Now days you can be imprisoned for even mentioning the word “explosives”, in the wrong frame and place…

My best piece of advice is to enroll, then wait for the letter.. and if you are refused, then do some research on disqualifications, and apply to fill those voids… Works every time… You jump in with a little enthusiasm, to fill a empty space, and your timing is right on, and you get the prize… cuz in everything bag there are always a few who back out for some obscure reason, like death, or accidents, or moved away, or got accepted at a better place… Be ready to pounce on the spaces…


A few days ago
lol an american university

seriously its not hard to get in try completing a final exam in another country i.e australia