A few days ago
Lee S

what are the basic aspects i need to look at in determining my major?

i looking for a major…what aspects should i research? ..

ex.. money, interest, long does it take to complet are there anything more??

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Izzy F

Favorite Answer

you need to ask yourself, and ask sincerely, “what will make me happy and fulfilled? who do I really want to be when I’m done with all of this?”

You need to want to be doing this, or it needs to lead to something you do want to be and do. Money is a really lousy reason to major in something. If there’s no passion, you will ultimately be miserable and your life will lack meaning and purpose.

How long it takes should only enter into the equation if someone else is paying your bills.


A few days ago
Chuck Schwarzenegger
money is pretty important, because you are actually making an investment on yourself. you invest 4 years of your life into a major and hopefully you get a fair share of return after you graduate. interest is important too, you don’t want to do something you hate, but you shouldn’t pick your major purely on interest, then you might end up with a degree that you can’t find a job with. so try to pick a major that you won’t hate, and also will provide good job opportunities.

A few days ago
That would all depend on what you value as important in a job later on. Obviously you’ll want a major that will get you a job later on.

A few days ago
Follow your passion. Take a variety of classes, and see what topic really excites you.

Don’t worry so much about how it will translate into a job later down the road – if you follow what you are sincerely interested in and passionate about, you will be able to find a successful career in it.


A few days ago
Pineapple Hat
Talk to people who work in the field you would like a career in. Find out where they went to school, what they recommend.

A few days ago
Don’t choose a major because the chicks are HOT.