A few days ago

Veterinarian Salary?

I was wondering what the largest salary is for a veterinarian and in what specialty it falls under. thanks!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The highest is about $120,000/year. That takes a lot of years of experience though. Also, you have to actually make it into Vet school which is harder then Med school because (at least at NCSU), getting accepted is based on GPA and only 300 a year get in — so you basically have to have a 4.0.

A few days ago
Besides specialty, the salary for a Veterinarian will vary depending on factors such as location and experience. The typical salary for a Veterinarian in the U.S. ranges from $61,562 to $81,080. However, the median salary for a Veterinarian with less than 1 year of experience is $49,758.

To find more accurate salary data for a specific Veterinarian position, you can take a free salary survey at PayScale.com. http://www.payscale.com/?src=yahooA

And for more Veterinarian salary and career info, here’s a link to an interview with an experienced Veterinarian at PayScale’s Salary Stories blog:


Hope that helps,

Assistant to Dr. Salary


A few days ago
I’m guessing a lot like the user above me said, but vet school is tougher than say medicine because for vet studies you have to learn about more than one species so it takes longer.