A few days ago
Sin voon

The point of life? please answer?


I am an 18 year old who has just started college. For this past summer i have been in deep meditation and in search for the freedom of my soul. A few nights ago i had this realization that college was leading me to a path of self service and one that clings to society. Ever since then i have been in deep confusion and had the inability to escape my mind. I am finding myself sleeping worse and starting to care about what others think way to much. When i rarely have the alone time to relax my mind i find myself in this state of tranquility where i feel as if i can be happy if i do nothing for the rest of my life. I think that it might be my calling to drop out of college and just devote my life to others who need asistence just to live. Currently my major is in primary education and that is what i want to do for the rest of my life but it just seems as if teaching would bind me to a small group of people that i can help, what do i do?

Please respond with any type of insite….

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

if you want to eat well and live well ii suggest u stay in school, nowadays u need an education to get a good job.You r only 18, there is so much to do. Most 18 years old feel like that but just snap out of it and enjoy your college years.College can be overwhelming at times just stick it out. I am 28 years I have been teaching for 10 years yes ten years, I started at 18 working with pre-k. now I am working on my third career being a doctor, I am also a nurse There is so much to do in the field of education. Once you teach you can go into counseling students to attend college, you can become a principle so that way you will be helping 2,000-3,000 kids at the school. there r many options out there.