A few days ago
m l

Quarters vs Semesters in college?

My undergrad was at a school that had semesters. I will be starting a master’s program at a new school that goes by the quarter system. Does anyone have experience in this type of switch? Will it be very dificult to adjust to this change?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s no big deal. I did the reverse. Makes little difference IMO. Term lengths are shorter, but you normally don’t have as much material you need to get through. It allows you to take more electives so that can be a good thing.

5 years ago
a quarter is usually shorter than a semester. Its usually 12 weeks in a quarter vs 16 weeks in a semester. Grades and amount of finals are still the same (cuz its based on how many classes you take) but you will just have a little less time to study (and stuff will go by faster) One upside for the quarter system is that you can finish school faster because you have 3 quarters to take the classes you need.

A few days ago
embroidery fan
I went to undergrad & grad school with semesters, then a seminary with quarters. It was really easy to get used to! Took no time at all!!