A few days ago

Please HELP me…..?

Hey guys… im hoping to start an undergraduate course in advertising design? is it worth me taking it? Are there many job opportunities in advertising by taking that course? Is there any other course which is better than this? Help me out..Im interested in designing.. And i am a lil bit creative…

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Are you more interested in being a designer and actually creating the visual work or are you more interested in marketing, consumer research, advertising theory, sales, promotions?

There are plenty of job opportunities but something you might consider: if design is what you are most interested in, maybe a major in graphic design or visual communication (usually the same thing, just different names at different schools) might be a better degree program. First it is broader in terms of design for corporate identity, publications, web, packaging & display, even exhibition or wayfinding. Not just advertising.

Second, it should be deeper in terms of studying typography, creation of original imagery, design history. If you decide to check into this and the school doesn’t offer typography courses, keep looking. This is critical and it is often the coursework that separates the top schools from the rest of the bunch.

Hope this helps.

Either way there are quite a few job opportunities but they are usually very competitive so a great portfolio will be important for you to develop.


A few days ago
Tarheel Girl 08
You could try majoring in visual communications or media design. There are jobs in advertising and you may want to supplement further courses with pr, communications, and some marketing courses, so that you are well rounded.

A few days ago
If you’re interested in designing, by all means, go for the class. You can always change your mind in what you want to do later if you don’t like it…a lot of people DO change their mind in college.