A few days ago

My son is in Special Ed. and will be graduating in 2008.?

I’ve always had problems with the teachers he’s had in the past but this teacher is one of the best I’ve had the opportinuty to encounter. I want to do something special for this teacher to show how much I appreciate his hard work & I want the School District to be aware of the valuble teacher they have.

What can I do or how can I nominate teacher of the year award?

Also, how can I arrange a school camping trip for the kids that are graduating next year?

Please let me know what the procedure is.

These are two things I would like to do for my son & the teacher before school year comes to an end.

Thanks in advance.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
Kris L

Favorite Answer

Talk to the principal about your son’s teacher, and ask him if he knows how to nominate her as teacher of the year. In my area, they ‘advertise’ and anyone can nominate a good teacher, but that may not happen in your area. The principal should know, or at least know where you could go to find out.

The camping trip is more difficult, and more expensive. You’ll need to get permission slips signed for all of the kids, and have a good place rented, and you may need to get things like extra sleeping bags and warm clothing for the kids. Why don’t you hang out after school and ask some of the other parents to help you start planning for the trip NOW … the more parents you can get involved, the easier it will be for you and them … and the kids will have more fun.


A few days ago
How great for you and your son to find such a wonderful teacher. These are a few suggestions: Write a letter to the Board of Education on how this teacher has been a great part of your son’s education and life. Tell them what he’s done and how much he is respected and appreciated. Make a copy and put it in a picture frame. And give it to him. The board will and should put it in his work file which will help this teacher in the future. Also make a copy and send it to the principal of the school. Speak with the Principal about arranging a trip or something that you want to do for this teacher. Also get in touch with the school’s PTA/PTO organization to see if they can help you honor this teacher. I’m so happy for you and your son. Good for you!! And an applause for the teacher.

A few days ago
To get recognition to the teacher, write a letter to the superintendent of the school corporation, to the principal of the school and to the school board, also, to the State. For nominee for teacher of the year, check at the State level, the school guidance office should have the phone numbers for you if you don’t have them, they have to give them to you. For the camping trip, if all the students are Special Ed, you will either need to do it as a private thing or get permission from the school board to do it as a school party. You will need to know how many adults, chaperones, you will need and the like. Talk to the other kids families for input.

A few days ago
Jayme S
See if you can get a pic-nic table dedicated to him and put near his class room. I know that when I worked with special ed we requested tables to be put near our class room because some of the kids didn’t want to, or weren’t aloud to go far from the class room during lunch, but wanted to eat outside. Or maybe have a tree planted in his honor.

As for the camping trip, your best bet is to talk to the parents of the other students who are graduating. In the area where I worked with special ed, there was a group call the “Special Needs Network” and they had a sub devision called “Teen Club” They did things together after school and on weekends. They would go bowling, to the movies, or to play mini golf. They even held their own prom and camping trips just for teens with special needs. Maybe you can organize a group like this.

Congratulations to your son and good luck to you.


4 years ago
do no longer beat your self up over this as a results of fact on the time you felt you have been doing what became maximum suitable for him. think of of it this way. If he has graduated at 18 he won’t have had the self-discipline or adulthood to end a school preparation. If a mistake became made i think of it became the college’s. My son would be graduating from intense college in 3 years and he’s particularly ed. he would be receiving a level, no longer a certificates. the college would desire to have cautioned you that your son ought to nevertheless artwork in direction of a level. My son is taking algebra now with lodging and changes. there became no reason that the college don’t have a minimum of tried to artwork along with your son in direction of getting a level. particular preparation itself is an outstanding software yet desires to be executed wisely. solid success!

A few days ago
As a retired special ed teacher anything you do is great. My favoriate is a hand made pillow that has been on my bed for 10 years. A big thanks and a hug from mom was worth a million.

A few days ago
There are things like dedicating year book to teachers i don’t know if your son has this maybe you want to look in to that.