A few days ago

My school lost my GMAT scores…do I have to resend them or can they find them?

My GMAT scores were sent to a school on two separate occasions, the last time was in July, I think they lost

my scores. Is it rude for me to ask them to look for them before I pay to have my scores sent by ETS, or should I grin and bare it, and have ETS send the scores?


Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Call the admissions office – every year there are some missing scores, and if they have the rest of your application, they’ll work with you to either find them or let you know to send another round. Things to think about: do you have a complicated name that’s easily mis-spelled? Do you go by your middle name? Has your name changed recently? Are you 100% sure you had the scores sent to this particular school?

Most schools’ admissions offices are a big file room with lots of individual folders. Sometimes scores get stuck in the wrong folder, don’t match up with the name on the folder in the first place, or just get misplaced. A little searching on the school’s part will usually find them.


5 years ago
I went to Eastern Tech in Maryland and we were definatly a winning team. I believe the record still stands(don’t really follow them much anymore) but they were undeafted at home. My freshman year we went undefeated all the way to the state championships. and every year since then we have had a winning record. Our coach back then(he left when i was a sophmore) is now a coach for a big football University (i cant remember which one though). My freshman year two seniors were offered drafting oppurnuties after graduation but decided to go to college first(cause football wouldnt last forever), not really sure what their up to any more. Their numbers were retired at gratuation and everything. I graduated in 2002 with the one guys younger brother who was also a football star and was drafted a few years back, not sure if he plays though. Our rival school however(where my brother goes) sucked eggs. I mean the 6-8 rec team could have beaten ’em very easily.

A few days ago
debbie f
If you want them to have them I would have the company send them to you and then you send them to the school and require a signature on the delivery. This way you have the proof that they were sent and if another problem arises they should have to foot the bill.

A few days ago
Eric C
Tell the university to kiss your behind. See how that works.