A few days ago

Medical school internship/residency?

Ok so im in 9th grade and i got a head start in the medical feild cause i got accepted into a health science academy. So they tell me i dont have to take the MCATs if i stay in there witch is great. Now people say theres 4 years of collage (pre med) and 4 years of medical school.

I was wondering how long is internship/residency is if you want to become a radiologist/oncologist.

And do you get paid for internship/residency and it it minimum wage?

Oh btw scrubs ftw!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This site will answer your questions about the duration and salaries: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/category/2997.html

I’d double check the validity of the statement that you won’t have to take the MCAT. The MCAT is a requirement established by the accrediting authority of all med schools and I’ve never heard of any exception to this…unless you plan on attending an offshore medical school.


A few days ago
It all depends on what you want to do in Oncology. My brother is a Pediatric surgeon and he had 9 years of residency compared to the normal 7 years for General surgery. But he’s still a surgeon. So, it really depends on how specialized you want to get. They do pay you for residency, but it’s not much. Enough to live on but not to have a lot of luxuries. But, when you are a resident you can pick up shifts at the emergency room, it’s called moonlighting, and they pay you really well. Especially if you agree to work the overnight shifts because they are so short staffed. And they pay you overtime for anything over 8 hours. You could potentially make a couple extra thousand dollars a month. Good luck with all your future endeavors.