A few days ago

Law School?

If your planning on going to law school, do you typically get a graduate degree and then go onto law school or do you enter law school after you complete your undergraduate degree? Thanks!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Generally get your undergraduate degree….take the LSAT and if appropriate apply for law school and earn your juris doctorate.

A few days ago
Most people that I went to law school with did not have a Master’s degree or a Ph.D unless they were older students.

I went straight to law school out of college; however, I was the second-youngest person in my class- I graduated at 24. Most people seemed to graduate from college, work a few years, then went to law school. It’s very expensive so I can understand why they did that. And just remember: more degrees = more debt! My law school debt is over $80,000- I can’t imagine having debt from a Master’s program as well.

Having a Master’s doesn’t really impress law firms or public interest law jobs from what I understand. They pretty much only care that you did well in school, graduated and passed the bar exam. They don’t care much about anything else.


A few days ago
Michael S
If you already know you want to go to law school, you don’t need a graduate degree before you can begin. Most students come either straight from their undergraduate college to law school or work for a few years first.

Plan on taking the LSAT in June after your junior year of college. This will allow you time to see how you did and evaluate what schools you should target, as well as whether you might want to re-take the test. Take a prep course if you can.


A few days ago
Most folks go right through from undergraduate studies to law school. I did not; I worked for 5 years before I went to law school. We had Ph.D.s, MBAs, M.A.s and M.S.s all in my class.

I have mixed feelings — I am glad I had the work experience under my belt, but I am also starting out a little older in the legal workforce now. Not a big deal, but I have friends and colleagues who will become principals in their law firms well before I do.

There are also some schools that provide a 3/3 program, where your first year of law school counts towards the completion of your baccalaureate degree, and you get your J.D. after a total of six years.


A few days ago
Tip 🙂
After undergraduate degree, but if you want you could get your masters first.

A few days ago
well, i think it is best to get a degree and then move to law school because if you dont like it you still have ur regular degree!

=] thats what i will do