A few days ago

is georgetown university worth the 45 grand (inc housing)?

im a senior and i want to go out of state but i also want to go to a law school such as nyu law or u. chicago law… i am very interested in int’l politics and foreign relations and georgetown seems to be the best choice for a major of the sort… i visited it – i like it and if i go, i’ll be back in the dc area (moved to nc)… is it worth the money.. people tell me to just go to unc but … no

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I guess the question is what’s more important to you, the name of the institution or being 180K in debt (plus law school, so you probably should bring that up to 280K)? Call law schools you’re interested in and ask how important your undergrad institution will be for getting in. My guess is that your LSAT score and any summer internships you have are going to be much more important than the name of the university you attended.

Unless you’re coming from really wealthy parents. If they’ll pay for it then go for georgetown.


4 years ago
i think of that’s extra often than no longer a sturdy thought to maintain conspicuous sectarian insignia out of the president’s image for the period of considerable coverage speeches. they did no longer drape the stained glass abode windows, that are all non secular photographs. What grow to be draped is a monogram of Jesus’ call (that He Himself does no longer have known or cared approximately). It does not look that good sized a deal to drape Jesus’ monogram (which might otherwise have recognized straight away above the president’s head). Take one look on the image, and that’s patently glaring that Obama is speaking in a church. it variety of feels that he’s darned if he does and darned if he does not at this element–I actual have considered some posts hypothesizing that he had the monogram draped with the aid of fact he sees himself as some variety of messiah. Had he left the monogram top over his head for the period of the speech, some might certainly have used that to declare that he sees himself as some variety of messiah…

A few days ago
No question about it, it’s worth it. The prestige matters if you want to do int’l politics. If you get in, go!