A few days ago

Is college different than high school? If so how?

Is college different than high school? If so how?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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College is incredibly different from high school.

It can be more lenient when it comes to class attendance, but it’s also a real test of responsibility. Professors aren’t going to hold your hand. If you’re failing, they’re not going to go to you and find the problem, you have to go to them.

Studying is essential! A great thing about college is that you have a lot of opportunities to be in a class you’re actually interested in, so studying doesn’t necessarily have to be a chore. You create and are in charge of your schedule. There are counselors if you need them, but you are ultimately in charge of making sure you’re taking the classes you need.

The professors can be amazing. You have people teaching you who -really are- passionate about the subject. They may never know your name, but they’re willing to help you if you go to them. They’re wonderful resources too if you’re doing research and the like.

Another big difference about college is life in general. The experience itself, the people you meet. Depending on the college you go to, you’re generally surrounded by other people who are actually interested in -learning-. It’s no longer a requirement and it’s information you’re going to -want- to remember. It’s the chance to figure out what your true passion is.

College is wonderfully exciting and the resources are amazing. It’s difficult material, but it’s definitely the real stuff. It’s not watered down and it’s pretty fast paced. (Not to mention a whole lot of reading.)

College is definitely different.


A few days ago
College is way different than high school. You have a lot more freedom in college… you pick everything from where you live to which classes you take when. You also have more responsibility. A lot of college students take on more hours at work then high school students. You can also have more fun since you have more freedom. Stay up late if you want, but you might have to deal with the problems at your early class in the morning. Most college students follow a schedule that leaves time for class, work and fun. If you don’t show up to class, most professors don’t care, but they will fail you if you deserve that grade. If you need help in a class it is your responsibility to get the help you need. If you have a credit card, unless your parents will pay it, you are in charge of paying on time. College is about doing your own thing and doing some more growing up. A lot of people are more mature in college; especially upperclassmen.

A few days ago
Everything is different! Nothing is handed to you in college. No one checks up on you to make sure you get assignments in on time. Attendance is not always mandatory. Some professors don’t care if you come to class as long as you are ready for the test. Often, your grade is based on only 2 tests (mid-term + final), and that’s it!

Remember in elementary school your teachers would tells you, “You may be able to get by without studying here, but you’ll never make it in middle school.”? And your teachers in middle school said the same thing about high school? Your high school teachers will be saying it now too. Listen to them. YOU WILL FAIL IF YOU DO NOT STUDY!

Other than that, college is a fun (and challenging) experience. Good luck!


A few days ago
old lady
College is different from high school in the same way that high school was different than elementary school and primary school was different than kindergarten. It’s just a matter of degree – the work is more demanding, and of personal involvement. In college, no one cares if you do homework or not – but if you don’t do it, you are cheating yourself. You have more personal responsibility in college – again, no one cares if you turn up or not, but it’s your loss if you don’t.

A few days ago
Yes…high school is easier. College requires you to study without being told. You are responsible for your own learning in college, and it isn’t up to the college professors to motivate you; you must be self-motivated.

A few days ago
Yes extremely!! In college the freedom is limitless! You are responsible for every choice you make and the actions you take. The work is more demanding, and it moves pretty fast. You have to be prepared for anything!

A few days ago
You don’t get constant reminders from your college professors that your essays are due or that a test is on a certain date. You get all of that information at the beginning of the semester, and then it’s up to you to be ready for it.

A few days ago
High school is a place you can mess around in! College is more serious – includes GCSE’s

A few days ago
u dont have to be at school from 8 until 3…..u can schedule to wake up later if u want, and u have plenty of more time to urself.

A few days ago

college is for real, it’s the real deal. you go and graduate or don’t go at all.