A few days ago

How does one figure out what he or she wants to do after high school?

I’m a junior in high school, and I don’t have a clue of where I would like to go to college or what I would like to major in and do after college. Thinking about college makes me apprehensive and paranoid.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Have you talked to firends, parents, or a counselor yet? See if they can offer some help. I think if you dont have a reason to go to college, it is ok. Some people end up going later on in life when they come across a certain job they really enjoy or stumble upon a new idea.

You could also compare and contrast things:

1. think about what classes in school you did and didnt like.

2. make a list of things you like to do and things you dont.

3. jobs you think are interesting and fun, and others you dont.

there should be some kind of career test on here.





also check out these sites. they might be helpful with finding a career.





A few days ago
Just major in what you think you might like, and change majors if you turn out to not like it. For example, when I started high school, I thought I wanted to be an electrical engineer. Then, when I got to be a junior, I thought I wanted to be a psychologist or a counselor. Then I thought I wanted to be a civil engineer. When I started college, I couldn’t stand the first civil engineering class (it might have gotten better after a while, but the first class was awfully boring and had a lot of busy work). Then I changed my major to secondary math education (to become a high school math teacher). I almost changed my major to accounting after that, but on a whim I decided to give computer science a try instead.

Well, I ended up double majoring in computer science and math. I have three semesters left. I still don’t know if I want to go to grad school (I’d probably go for math). On one hand, I really want to give it a try . . . but on the other hand, I’m afraid it will delay my life unacceptably and result in a job that pays no better (although there are other benefits). I’m already 22 years old and if I go for a PhD I’d be 28 or so by the time I finish. That seems like a very long time to me. Anyway, I guess I still have some time to figure out what I want to do. And so do you. You probably won’t know what you like until you try a few things. Good luck!

Oh yeah, something else I should mention . . . those career tests that are supposed to tell you what career you’re suited for are not very helpful if you don’t already know what you’re interested in. The last time I took one it said that I should be a teacher’s aide . . . I thought that was laughable. Your results will depend on what you feel like doing at the time you take the test. And that can depend on your mood or the last cool TV show you’ve seen.


A few days ago
What do you like? What did you always want to do as a child? What subjects are you naturally good in? Which do you like?

I majored in Biology because I love investigation, was good in math and science (over language arts type courses), like experiments, and am fascinated by life. And it was practical, ie, I could get a job in it when I graduated.

What do you like that is also practical? That’s how you’ll know.