A few days ago

how can you be a doctor in economics?

my econ teacher is a doctor in economics

how do you become a doctor in something that doesnt deal with patients like normal doctors

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

She went to Business Graduate School and got her Doctorates in Economics which takes about 4 years more after you have a Bachelors degree

A few days ago
milton b
Your teacher is a Ph.D. or doctor of philosophy. The name for the degree originated in medieval Europe. At that time when you got a doctorate degree they taught you everything there was to know and you were a physician, philosopher, mathematician and grammarian.

A few days ago
i don’t think your teacher is a medical doctor

doctor just means that they went through a shitload of schooling to receive the title.

you can have a doctor in education, librarian science, basically anything you can get a degree in.

It usually signifies that the person went through the highest level of schooling available.


A few days ago
DR just means the have a Doctorate

doctorate (n.) :


one of the highest academic degrees conferred by a university