A few days ago

Hello, I am a high school maths teacher in Turkey and I wonder how math is teached in USA and UK countries?

I mean the approaches and the curriculums that are used in these counries. I searched from the internet and couldn’t find any resources. If you know any sites that give general information can you send me the links? I am in great need of help. Thanks for the answers..

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
justine lauren

Favorite Answer

I have realized that a lot of the textbooks and curriculum we

use in our US educational system are based on the textbook selection process in Texas, Florida and California (our three largest states in terms of population), and not so much on the quality of the textbooks or the curriculum. Math instruction and math in general has gotten such a bad rap, that our newer math teachers are using different techniques for teaching math, supplementing whatever curriculum has been adopted by their district. We have a lot more kids coming into our educational system that have learning disabilities or differences, and they don’t always do well with the more traditional teaching styles (lecturing and doing worksheets). Therefore, you’ll see a lot more manipulatives and visuals used in the math classroom. There are even curriculum materials that make learning algebra visual and kinistetic. See: http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/topic_t_2.html

I know of one teacher that uses origami

(the practice of folding paper to make things like animals) to teach geometry. See: 3-D Geometric Origami

by Rona Gurkewitz. Available on Amazon.

I would check out the website given by the first person who answered this question as well as this website:



5 years ago
Pros are you could land a highly paid job in a private school where all the kids are toffee nosed and talk with a plumb in their mouth. Cons – you are not exceedingly strong in the maths background nor do you have a prodigious talent for it – so you could be underpaid in a public school with snotty nosed kids that f and blind at you every other word. PS We don’t have high schools here in the UK – we do have primary, secondary and private schools, colleges and universities.

A few days ago
a good place to look is sitesforteachers.com

i am in college to become a math teacher, and i always go here for links to sites to give me ideas. hope this helps!