A few days ago

GRE Score percentiles?

How much importance is placed on percentiles on the GRE when applying to an undergraduate institution? I scored really well on the verbal, in the 85%. But the math, and for some reason I can’t explain the writing were really, really bad. I know the math because I didn’t study at all for the math, but the writing has just blown me out of the water. However, my references are really good and I know for a fact that two of the professors wrote about what a GOOD writer I am and how I write better than graduate students in the program in 200/300 level courses. Can references make up for bad GRE scores, and do I need to explain it away in my personal statement. Personally I think standardized tests are poor indicators of academic potential. I have an excellent academic record, lots of honors, great references, but bad GRE (math and writing for some odd reason) scores. What do I do?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Jon R

Favorite Answer

GRE score percentile is generally more important than the score itself. As for damaging your chances for admission, it all depends on what program you are looking for. If you have time, study and consider retaking the exam. References are important, but if your GRE scores are too low, you might not make it past the first round of cuts.