A few days ago
Rev. Dr. Glen

Grateful for suggestions for completing distance learning degree.?

I do some volunteer preaching and believe in studying the Bible to present worthwhile sermons at nursing home and small church that does not pay.

I found a very reasonably priced distance learning seminary that has a program that has been very helpful. It is a lot better in my view than programs that teach more about denominational views and theological aspects of Christianity not mentioned in the Bible.

My problem is lack of discipline. I listen to tapes, take notes, answer some of the questions, but just am not completing any classes. The distance learning course assignments can be faxed, e-mailed, or even sent by snail mail.

Am a retiree with some health problems, my situation is not lack of time, but poor discipline. When younger completed traditional B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in history. Maybe the awful unpleasantness of Ph.D. has left a paralyzing effect on me. I really want to get that seminary degree. Helpful suggestions would be blessing.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There is no other way to do it than to turn off all distractions and really study. If you truly have the calling, you will get off yahoo, turn off the computer, and find a quiet place to contemplate and learn…

A few days ago
Hi. Good for you! Learning is great. I found the best way to do my distance degrees has been to simply do one class at a time. I know that sounds too easy, but I have a list of classes for the degree I am currently working on. I set my timer when I get the info in the mail and allow 3 months. I make it a point to read some material and answer at least 3-5 questions each night, 7 days a week. It works. Before you know it, the class is done and you are sending back your answer key. Best to you!