A few days ago

Does it help at all to have a 2 yr college degree?

I already have my diploma but,

Does it help get a good job?

I understand it would be much more beneficial to work towards a 4 yr….but I’m not so sure I can take much more school even though I know it will pay off in the future…ect..

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There IS a difference. See this link.


Of course, these are very gross, average numbers and what really matters is what someone does with their degree as well as with the rest of their persona. There are many personal attributes that can make a person without a degree succeed and a person with several degrees fail. Take a little time to analyze what you believe your strengths are, as well as your weaknesses, and use that to guide you along. Try to get the best job you can qualify with your current background and always aim a little higher as you go and always look for a job/career that stimulates your interests. If in the future you see an opportunity that requires a 4-year degree, then you can decide at that point how to best proceed. Good luck!


A few days ago
You can probably get an ok job with a 2 year degree (those jobs are probably better than those “diploma jobs”) but there are even better jobs than what you can get with a 2 year degree. There are probably more great paying jobs for people with 4 year degrees than people with 2 year degrees. Many of the jobs that are currently open require a BS or BA.

You can probably get a job as an administrative assistant, but if you want something better than that (and have the opportunity to move up the ladder), then you will probably need a 4 year degree.


5 years ago
You’re not too old. The problem will be figuring out how to handle the period of transition. You’re not gonna have a steady income with Real Estate. Especially at first. No telling how long it would take either. Doesn’t sound like your finances could take that. It’s tough. I’d try to find another job making more money then see about taking evening/night classes and get into another career that you would find interesting that would supply you with a good income. Worse case is working 2 or more jobs if you can… You’re not too old for moving on. I knew an 80 year old in my Grad School when I was working on my masters. Never ever too old…

A few days ago
why can’t you take it? Is it too boring, or too difficult, or the people and profs get on your nerves?

I would try to stick it out if you can. The degree proves that you finish what you start, and it’s a piece of paper that no one can ever take away from you. For example – if someone studies and reads 1000 books and memorized every one of those books, he has nothing to show for it, even if he’s smart and has the subjects mastered. That’s why it’s worth it to get college “credit” because you get credit for what you learn.

It sucks that the system works that way, but it does work that way…


A few days ago
It helps you transfer to a 4 year college if high school did not work out for you.

A few days ago
If you have at least a two year degree, you can at least get an entry-level job in most fields — and some companies will offer tuition assistance to get a four-year degree if it’s related to your job.

A few days ago
This advice is solid:

Don’t mess with college at all. It’s a horrible waste of time. Start a business and get rich. Don’t be a puss. Grab some sack and make a move.


A few days ago
It’s just a waste of time and money where I live. Just about all the jobs are minimum wage,no matter what your education or job skills.