A few days ago
ry s

do colleges really care if you do 2 years of a foreign language…. i’ve only done one so far in high school

do colleges really care if you do 2 years of a foreign language…. i’ve only done one so far in high school

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
justine lauren

Favorite Answer

It depends on which college you want to attend and their admissions requirements. Many universities also require that you have so many years of math and science and a high ACT score or a high GPA. If you are deficient in any of these areas, then it may not matter how many years of foreign language you have, you won’t get in.

A few days ago
Hell yes! That was my mistake in High School. Besides not taking as much math as I should have.

I took two years of German, and two of Spanish. Big mistake! Then it was over ten years and I decided to go back to college. The college I wanted I had to have two years minimum to get into the business program, and three years into the college itself.

Well…I did not remember any German or Spanish. So…I had to take two q;uarters of German so I could get iinto the university I wanted.

So…take at least three quarters of the language, or you will be sorry. And take as much math as you possibly can. Or else pay for it later like I had to at a community college. Cost me about $2,900 plus books!

Good luck…take advantage of high school because higher education is expensive. I would have saved about $1000 if I had only taken an extra class in German or Spanish in high school

Oh well, live and learn.


A few days ago
Nicole H
It depends on what type of college you attend. If it’s a four year college or university you can only get accepted with two years of foriegn language. So it really depends on the school you expect to attend.

A few days ago
If you are able to express yourself in that language I think colleges would appreciate that. But if all you can say after two years of studying it are a sprinkling of “bonjour” or “hola” I don’t think that would even matter to them.

A few days ago
peggy m
Not only for college. Fluency in three languages on your resume opens more doors.

A few days ago
Ivy League and Private colleges do. Most state college don’t care.