A few days ago
Can a college take back a diploma?
I just recently graduated (at least I think so) and I’ve received my diploma. I found out that I have an incomplete in one of my classes. The incomplete will eventually turn into an “F”, unless the prof. changes it. Ive been in contact with the prof. and he told me that I have to resubmit a huge assignment in order for him to change the grade. But I’ve already received my diploma so can the school legally take it back? Thanks for your response.
Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
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Oh yes. They can and they will take back a diploma. Ask the university president who was caught plagiarizing his dissertation. They revoked his doctoral degree and he consequently lost his university president position.
My advice to you is: if that course was required for the degree, go ahead and complete it. Otherwise, talk to an advisor and find a course that will substitute. You will regret it later on if you don’t go ahead and finish your degree now!!
A few days ago
If the course was required for you to graduate, then you won’t have graduated regardless of the piece of paper you got. Why not suck it up and do the assignment and not have to worry about your transcript because if you ever need to get an advanced degree, or even just want to take courses somewhere else, that incomplete and/or F are going to come back to haunt you.
A few days ago
They may not take back the actual diploma but they may change your transcript which when someone checks will reveal you to not have graduated. You gone this far, don’t mess it up over something stupid. Get the work to the professor or at least reach a compromise. It’s not worth fighting over and you’ll be the one who suffers in the end.
I’m sure the school will work with you.
A few days ago
You have the diploma, but they have the transcript.
Universities have rescinded degrees in the past. There was a push to do it with Martin Luther King Jr’s doctorate after possible plagiarism was discovered (didn’t happen).
It would be wise of you to work with the school on this. It sounds immensely unfair, but you know what they say about life.
A few days ago
yes they can. they will nullify your degree on your transcript. Get the assingment done!
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