A few days ago

BSc Mathematics or BSc Physical Science online degree?

Is there any institute around the world that offers purely Bachelor Degree in Mathematics or Physical Science or Maths/Physics degree by purely online studies?

Open University UK ( Britain) is by far the best, no entry requirements and easy to enroll and highly regarded around the world and recognised ( Leads to honours )

Ellis New York City NIT looks good too but confusing.

Anywhere else that offers above mentioned subjects as a Distant Learning or Online Bachelor Degree? ( has to be accredited)

Not looking for links unless you have the direct link to above mentioned subjects and not interested in single “courses”

Thank you so much

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You’ll have to check to see if they offer those majors in particular, but universities that are of high quality that offer a large number of science/tech programs online include:

– University of London (external programme)

– Carnegie Mellon

– Rensselaer Polytechnic

– Worcester Polytechnic

– University of Massachusetts

– University of Maryland

These may get you started. Almost all have pages devoted to their online programs, and if you get confused, email them directly.


6 years ago
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BSc Mathematics or BSc Physical Science online degree?
Is there any institute around the world that offers purely Bachelor Degree in Mathematics or Physical Science or Maths/Physics degree by purely online studies?

Open University UK ( Britain) is by far the best, no entry requirements and easy to enroll and highly regarded around the world and…


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bsc mathematics bsc physical science online degree

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