A few days ago

Allergy and restrictions on college major?

I am allergy to both pennicilin and chlorine. Can I still apply for chemistry major? Is there a physical requirement for getting into a major in the United States? (Like if your eyesight is below, say -4.0, then you can’t be a, say biologist)

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Ariel H

Favorite Answer

That’s illegal in the United States. It would violate the Americans with Disabilities Act. The only time physical requirements come into play is if you are in the military or want to be in ROTC in college or you want to be a pilot. You’re good. It’s no one’s business what you’re allergic to, but if you want to let your professor’s know once you start classes, that might be a good idea for your own safety.

A few days ago
embroidery fan
If you have a limitation like that, you just need Section 504 accommodations, from the Americans with Disability Act. Ask your high school & then college counselors to have a Section 504 plan for you. To find out more, ask your school principal or counselor or school psychologist…they should know about the law.

Then, you can study whatever you want. Section 504 applies to jobs, as well as to school!


A few days ago
Emily V
As far as I know there is no limitations on what you can major in. It would probably be illegal to discriminate against someone with allergies.

You’d just have to be careful to wear proper protective equipment in the labs.

To be safe, you may want to contact the science department at the specific university you’d be attending. I’m sure they will accommodate you.


A few days ago
You should check all this out with a counsellor at the college. You probably need proper information.