A few days ago

A tough decision?

know this is really just a personal decision…but words of wisdom or anything is greatly appreciated. I grew up my whole life just knowing I was going to be a doctor and in middle school decided on orthopedic surgery. I took a few clases in high school for anatomy and what not and really loved them But, as I started college I thought about doing marine biology. I took one class my freshman year of college about freshwater ecology and loved it…I did so well that my professor hired me for the summer to do some work out of state with him (which i also enjoyed very much) and we are getting some a papers published and everything..so I do really well in this environmental stuff. So I am a sophmore now and I need to decide what to do in life. I feel like I abandoned a medical career so fast, after years of planning, and now matter what I pursue I am always going to look back and say what if I had chosen to do the other career. Any advice??

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You need not make a decision about your life’s career, but you can prepare yourself to go either way. The pre-med courses dovetail nicely in a biology major. You’ve got 3 years left in undergrad, so there’s plenty of time to prepare for both careers, or any other, should you change your mind.

Here’s a web site that might interest you. It’s about changing majors. http://www.youngmoney.com/careers/monstertrak/career_fields/037

Good luck


A few days ago
Terence M
You’re right, it is a personal decision, but my parents always told me to do what I loved. I’m kind of in the same situation that you are. I came to college hoping to get a Master’s or Doctorate in music performance because it’s always been the thing that I was the best at. I won many awards and was in my local hometown symphony… I arrived at college and took a psych class and saw that this really appealed to me too. I was so torn between the two. I just look at what my real goal was in my life. (to have a well off family) I knew that no matter how much I loved music it wasn’t going to help provide for this goal. I chose psychology. It’s kind of what you should do. Reach out into the future. Decide what will help you out the most later on to achieve whatever goal it is that you may have.

A few days ago
Not advice, per se. I just think you should try to ask yourself more than, ‘Orthopaedic Surgeon or Marine Biologist?’ (Although I admire the question.) How devastating is it to you that your career may rise or fall on the death failed surgery of a patient? Is there adequate funding for the type of Marine Biological research that you gravitate to? If so, what are the names of some of those companies or government programs? Is it the research that most captivates you or the thought of helping a human being?

I appologize for asking more questions, but you only hold the answers and they play into this decision very directly.

Congradulations on your work so far! Some links for study are below:


A few days ago
You have to do what you love. There is nothing wrong with changing directions in college — in fact, that is why a lot of people go to college.

Something to keep in mind is that youdon’t have to close off all your options right now. You can major in Marine Biology and still take all the classes that you would need if you want to go to medical school later.

As a senior, you could apply to both medical schools and marine biology graduate programs if you haven’t made up your mind by then.

Good luck.


A few days ago
if you reall like what your doing right now then do it. since you have tried this type of work already and like it then i would stay with what your doing now. but it would be really good if you tried to volunteer at a hopsital or something or see if you could shadow someone oneday at a local doctors office… i dont know if they allow it but i know you can volunteer somewhere. just to kind of see what goes on in the medical setting! i think that would help you out or take a class related to medicine to see how you do with it? i would stay with what your doing now with the marine biology, you know you like it!! and you could go to school again if you get bored with it……………..

A few days ago
Just go with the field that gives you the most joy. That’s what matters in the end. Good Luck.

A few days ago
Jazz DNA
do what you love. no matter the income.

life is too short to do otherwise.