A few days ago

Would anybody happen to know of the haunted home ..in which..?

Mark David Chapman’s family friends from Decatur,Georgia had previously lived in..if there is a photo of this place at all?

I had heard the story on CoasttoCoastam.com (Radio) and it was very interesting! Would like to know where and what the home looks like….”Maria Simpson” used to be the “family friend” to the killer of John Lennon..but, hasn’t been friends with him since…because of what he did…and rightly so…

This was her house..before she moved in 1978 or so…

If you know or have any online photos..let me know!


Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Here is a download of the radio play

With a Little Help from My Friends: Did Demons Force Mark David Chapman to Murder John Lennon?”


You can get several hits in relation to the article of the house in Decatur, GA, but have not yet been able to find a photograph.


5 years ago
First,on a practical note I would have the wiring in the house checked out This might be the answer to electrical appliances switching themselves on and off. You might want to look into the history of the house find out if anything sad or unpleasant ever happened there or in a previous house on the same site. Feeling pinned down in bed is a fairly common experience linked to nightmare. At least the ghost is friendly putting away clothing and the flowery smells are also a good sign. You might want to contact the Society for Psychic Research/