A few days ago
Holiday Magic

Which couple are the subjects in “Beloved Infidel”? (No cheating)?

Which couple are the subjects in “Beloved Infidel”? (No cheating)?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Oh, geez, I should know it but I’m drawing a blank. It was a movie, right? And had Gregory Peck in it?

My Mom’s a great Gregory Peck fan but it would be cheating to ask her. OK, I know it’s about a guy who is an artist or musician or writer or something like that. Because it’s filed in the same part of my brain as “Amadeus” and that movie about the sculptor Rodin starring that French guy from GREEN CARD in it. But the answer isn’t Mozart or Rodin.

I give up. Who is it?


A few days ago
Sid Vicious and Nancy.

A few days ago
Hi sweetie I would have to cheat, as I have no idea, and I am not going to cheat.