A few days ago

what is the possibility that a third world war would take place in the present nuclear era?

what is the possibility that a third world war would take place in the present nuclear era?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I can see a tremendous posiblity of it happening, especialy with the way the Australian, American and British governments are playing with each other, not to mention, we would only have to slip once with a nuke and i guarantee that China, Korea, probably the whole Middle East and just about every other country in the world would happily get up and push th red button…

Aside from which, why wait for Nukes? the army plays with bio weapons, chemical weapons…

if places like Area 51, or S4 exist in the states, and all the documented tests done in the USSR during the 50’s and 60’s point towards ‘alien technology’ then i think Nukes are on the bottom of the list

I also have read that the US military have or are developing a combat suit, much like that from the game Halo…so you go figure it out…


A few days ago
If it doesn’t happen in this era I can’t see it ever happening.

Technology will eventually get to such a stage that world wars just can’t happen


A few days ago
100%… it’s completely Possible. so it’s 100% possible