A few days ago

What could have prevented Titanic from making its collision with the iceberg?

What could have prevented Titanic from making its collision with the iceberg?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

The titanic had several things stacked against it.

1— they were traveling at a high rate of speed to make it to NY early

2— the binoculars for the crows nest were missing

3— the water was still

4— clear night

5— if captain smith listened to the warnings and taken the precautions


A few days ago
The Titanic was going too fast for the ocean conditions. The Captain was trying to set a new trans-Atlantic speed record so was not only traveling at normal cruising speed, but close to the maximum speed the ship could do.

However, another factor that is hardly mentioned at all is they had not practiced damage control. A standard form of damage control is to stuff bed mattresses into the cracks to slow the intake of water or to lower them from the outside so water pressure holds them in place. According to records, there was no effort to stop the flow of water as everyone thought the ship was unsinkable, the water tight doors would stop the flooding, etc.

((NOTE: This was not the maiden voyage of the Titanic contrary to how it is often stated. It was actually its third voyage, not including it’s short 6 hour sea trials. ))


A few days ago
Connor B
this may sound wierd but the titanic wouldn’t of sunk if it it had just gone straight through the iceberg! this is because the titanic tried to avoid the iceberg but the ship scraped the side of the iceberg and that ended up flooding six compartments to the sea where as if it had gone straight ahead and crashed into the iceberg than it would have only have flooded one or two compartment and the titanic would still be able to sail on!

A few days ago
They could have gone around the iceberg field, but the ship’s creator wanted to make the fasted time. It is basically his fault the titanic sank

A few days ago
I don’t think much could’ve helped the Titanic, unless it had stayed out of icy waters altogether, and slowed down as well. There were many factors… radiomen asleep, going into ice…

Even with alert look-outs, (which it didn’t have) that ship was just too big and heavy to turn quickly, or even averagely. It weighed 46,000 gross tons, and that’s huge… still no match for a larger iceberg.

for more info, try:



A few days ago
Austins Mom
Sonar. If it had been in the era that the Titanic sank, then it would have prevented it(it was created after WWII). However too, little too late.

A few days ago
Reduced speed.

A few days ago
if they left the right time of season has that particular season wasnt summer so maybe it would of been avoided

A few days ago
they should have reduced speed