A few days ago

riddle?? can anyone answer.?

on the first day of school my chemistry teacher gave us this riddle and it goes……a man is found dead, naked and with a broken unlight match in his hand at the base of a mountain. how did he get there.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Must have been Broke Back Mountain. He was walking at night and couldn’t see where he was going lighting matches but kept walking while he was trying to light the next one. Fell off a cliff.

A few days ago
He was on the moon in a pressurized house at the top of a mountain. He took off his clothes to go to the shower, saw there was no light in the bathroom and so he took a match to light his way. Unfortunately the bathroom had sprung an air leak and was depressurized. So the match didn’t light, and the explosion from the pressurized air pushing out the door shot him out of the house and all the way down the mountain. Waah! Splat!!

A few days ago
He was camping on a ledge of a mountain side on a hot night (which explains why he was naked). He woke up having to go to the bathroom, found a match and went outside to light his lantern so he could find a place to relieve himself. However, he lost his bearings in the dark looking for the lantern, stepped off the ledge, and fell to his death, breaking the match in the process.

A few days ago
There are lots of potential answers, but here’s the one I think your teacher was trying for:

The man was travelling with others by hot-air balloon. As they approached the mountains, they realized they needed to gain altitude but were too heavy. Everyone threw everything extraneous overboard, including their clothes, but they were still too heavy.

In a last ditch effort, it was decided to draw straws to determine who would jump overboard to save the others. One broken match was put together with unbroken matches, and this guy drew the unlucky broken match. He jumped overboard still clutching the broken match.

Hope he likes that answer – if he doesn’t, I’m sure we could come up with another. Good luck.


A few days ago
Karth K
By falling of the mountain

A few days ago
vera h
During a thunder storm,trying to light the fireplace so the house could while he bathed,a mudslide carried his house over the mountain it was perched on

A few days ago
natasha v
lol i am gonna go with an explosion at the top of the mountain that blew his clothes off blew him off the mountain before he had time to light a second match lmao nah no idea that one has me stumped lol good one 🙂

A few days ago
Oh! He fell and someone put the match into his hand, *laughs* i kno i cant figure anything out!

A few days ago
He walked.