A few days ago

not worrying about timing.. Is it better to major in biology/chemistry or something completely different …..

like business+all the necessary science courses for medical school admission?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Pre-med is a declaration and you will take calculus, general chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, and physics under this declaration since they are the required classes. In addition, you will need to choose a major. No matter what you will have to declare pre-med and take these classes in order to take the MCAT and then apply for medical school.

It doesn’t matter what you major in but biology and chemistry are the most common majors among those admitted to medical schools, probably because the pre-requisites for these majors are just about the same as the pre-med classes so you don’t have to take many more additional classes related to your major on top of the pre-med classes. But if you’re sure about medicine, then major in anything… that you like or that you’re passionate about. It doesn’t matter what. You just have to perform really really well in it.


A few days ago
Olivia J
If you want to go to med school, either find pre-med programs or do the standard biochem. I wouldn’t bother with other degrees.. you’ll be busy enough!!

A few days ago
going to be a doc huh? I would major in the bio/chem. You will get your feet wet and see if you like it…..Katie is going to be a doc and that is her major.