A few days ago
I want to major in pharmacy, tell me everything i need to know 🙂 pleaseee?
I want to major in pharmacy, tell me everything i need to know 🙂 pleaseee?
Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Favorite Answer
It is very competitive so you have to have great grades. Also it is alot of math,chemistry, and biology.
A few days ago
Anymore, you have to be a superstar student just to get your foot in the door of a pharmacy school. You absolutely must have good grades (3.0-3.5 or so) in physical sciences. Those would be biology, chemistry, physics, as well as you all of your mathematics courses including Calculus. You need to destroy the other courses to keep you overall GPA around a 3.5 or so. Take the PCAT and score above 70-75 and you should get in, and then a whole new definition of suffering will begin for you as you enter 4 years of grind it out, study all the time, stress everyday until your hair falls out, misery that you swear will never end until it does. Then graduate, study 3 months for NAPLEX board exam, and MPJE law exam for your state, get a license and take a job that probably won’t make you happy. But, get that first big paycheck, laugh at your friends that called you crazy, and take a vacation to jamaica after they clean up the hurricane mess. Hope this helps!!
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