A few days ago

Does it make you cross when the spell checker here tries to turn your correct spelling into American English?

Does it make you cross when the spell checker here tries to turn your correct spelling into American English?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Don Drapers woman

Favorite Answer

No since I am American. You should be able to set your spell checker to UK English if you want

A few days ago
I am American, but I had the task of turning an early 19th century English memoir into a printable document. I was surprised to find that there were instances in which common American usage and common British usage were reversed, based upon a late edition of Johnson’s dictionary, which was an appropriate reference for the work in question. Several times Johnson preferred -ize endings to -ise endings when both were in use, and he also liked jail better than gaol. My American spell-checker was helpful, because it made me look at words I thought I knew.

Those who told you that you change dictionaries are correct. I think you are entitled to be cross if your computer tries to change your nationality [and there is nothing exclusively British about ‘cross’].



A few days ago
Yes, it would annoy me.

I don’t know what you’re doing wrong but it doesn’t happen to me.

I just ran spell check on these words; defence, behaviour, favourite and it didn’t suggest a change to the American spelling.


A few days ago
The differences are trivial and I do not know what the fuss is about.