A few days ago
im lost come and find me

a ”how to” speach?

i have been assighned a 2 to 5 minute long ”how to” speach but we are sopposed to think of what to do the speach on and the problem is i dont know what to talk about or demonstrate on and i cant think of what to do

so basically can you help me by giving me some ideas?

thank you in advance

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

How about demonstrating how to make a paper crane? Lots of things you can relate to the topic, including the Japanese art of origami, the story of Sadako, the atomic bomb, world peace, etc. Here is a site to get you started.

A few days ago
In my speech class I saw everything! One person did how to tie ice skates, another did how to pack for a camping trip. One guy even brought a video from his work and showed us how he develops film. The easiest to do are recipes. You introduce the recipe by saying some historical information about it (like how you learned about it, or what country it comes from), then you say how good it is. Then you go through the steps and demonstrate it for real or for fake. After that you conclude by saying some ways you could serve the recipe for different occasions and say how yummy it is again.

A few days ago
For your speech, do it on something that you love doing and know a lot about.


– Playing an instrument

– Singing

– Playing a sport

– Writing a story or poem

– Taking care of an animal

– Speaking in another language

– Drawing

– Taking pictures

– Making friends


A few days ago
Nope, Its ok.
Do something your good at. If your good at math, demonstrate on how to do a complicated math problem. If you are good at chemistry, science, history ect., explain about the topic you chose.

You can also make a speech on maybe video games, if its something you like. Maybe a poem, a book, anything!


A few days ago
I’ve always enjoyed a “how to” speech (rhymes with peach) on changing piston rings in my old Mustang……just kidding….I tuned in late to this one and it looks like you have been given a lot of good recommendations. I just didn’t want you to get graded down for spelling “speech” incorrectly, and also “supposed”.

Hope you have fun with it!