A few days ago

1,000 mph wind on Neptune?

I’m sitting here watching this show on discovery channel about planets. They’re talking about neptune having wind speeds up to 1,000 mph. They also said that if you put a windmill (like those used to generate energy today) in the atmosphere of the 1,000 mph wind, the windmill may not even move, or it could move slowly. How does a windmill not move in 1,000 mph wind?

Also, If Pluto is 2.7 Billion years away from earth, made of completely ice, and Neptune is 2.6 BIllion years away and has wind and water, how does this happen?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

If the windmill doesn’t move, perhaps it’s because the atmosphere is very thin. Just because it has an atmosphere doesn’t mean it’s as dense as our own, but it can still blow from heating/convection.

A few days ago
I just read a little about Neptune, and its surface is mostly a water-mix and gases, the water boiling due to the nature of Neptune’s small core of iron and silicon, a core in which molecules constantly ‘crash’ together to form energy.

In turn this puts the core of Neptune under great gravity, constantly pulling material inward and causing a lot of heat–which also in turn causes all that hot liquid on the planet’s face. Most scientists think the liquid is water, methane, and ammonia. The gases around the planet are mostly hydrogen and helium.

…The liquid on Neptune is 9,300 degrees F. hotter than the Sun! This causes the winds on the planet to reach 1,200 mph., and for there to be frequent and large storms on the planet, both of which contribute to the fact that a windmill couldn’t generate electricity there. And where would one build it?

Pluto is on a elliptical orbit, and Neptune’s orbit is nearly circular…that is why the make-up of each is so different. And it was the Voyager 2 in 1977 that showed us pictures so scientists could know more about all this and tell us on the Discovery Channel…


A few days ago
I just watched it to good show

aerodynamics change at different speeds,I think the speed of sound is 600 mph(or somewhere around that) so could you hear it blow on neptune would there be a constant sonic boom?

the planets are made of whatever floats into them


A few days ago
VeggieTart — Let’s Go Caps!
Also, the orbits of Neptune and Pluto cross, so sometimes Neptune is further away from the sun than Pluto is.

A few days ago
A year is not a measure of distance, it’s a measure of time.

A light-year is a measure of distance; meaning how far light travels in one year, about 6 trillion miles.

Pluto is 2.7 billion years from Earth traveling by what means? I think you may have misunderstood some of the terms used on the program.

Please visit www.solarviews.com/eng/pluto.html


A few days ago
i don’t actually think they know what they are talking about. how do they actually know this stuff anyway???