A few days ago
La Princesita Boricua

Language Learning Disability?

I am teaching a speech class to 6th, 7th, 8th graders this year. I thought it would be a good idea to make a newsletter with them. In making a newsletter they would practice spelling, organization, communications and many more skills that they would normally think of as “boring.” What do you think of the idea? Do you have any suggestions??

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
emily day

Favorite Answer

I personally like the idea. Kids with learning disabilities need to do hands on things to learn. You might also do a newspaper. I did this with my class. I made a simple template for them to follow and the idea was that they each had to interview another student and write an article for the paper about that person, then they had to present it to the class. The newspaper went home to parents and was sent to school board members. All my kids were LD. Good Luck – keep thinking outside the box.

5 years ago
a language based learning disability means it’s you have difficulty’s with with reading , writing or math . and other areas that have to do with understanding language. the others are very right if you weren’t tested in your first language that could dramatically change the results

A few days ago
tammie k
I think that this could be a very productive part of academics provided you give them ample time to think things through