A few days ago

I need major advice.!?

well I took an ap physics C exam yesterday and my teacher put it on the board. My vision is pretty bad but i was able to make out 2 of the 3 problems. But the last problem involving a graph, i could not understand at all! i couldnt see the graph. It was too blurry for me to actually picture it. The other questions were words so i was able to depict what it was askiing. She went over the quiz after we took it and as i thought i got the last one wrong. I sit in the front too! :(.i really need glasses and they’re suppose to come in a week..but i dont have a week. Also i have no clue what to do about my exam. A 66.66% is NO WAY acceptable. I really dont know how to approach my teacher about this and ask her if i can re-take it on paper..a different version of course..Can you please help me? What should i say to her? OR how should i explain my problem. OR sHould i just leave it alone and wait for the next [i really dont want to do that though]..ADVICE PLEASE!!

How would u go about it?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Go to a parent/guardian about your vision problem immediately. Go to the teacher before school in the teacher’s office and explain your problem. Also go to the nurse and explain the problem. Just say you can’t see the problems on the board.

A few days ago
Since you probably should have said something at the time of the exam, I very much doubt that she will let you retake it now, after the grades have been given out. It would just sound like an excuse. Plus, since you could read the first two questions, she is unlikely to believe you.

At this point, your best bet is to talk to her about the problem so that maybe she reconsiders giving future tests in this format. It might also alert her to the problem that you are now claiming, and make her more likely to take you seriously if, in fact, you do better on all of your future exams.

The lesson from this is that you can NEVER wait to see if something had an impact on your grade before pointing out the problem, whatever it might be. If you had said something and gotten an A anyway, it wouldn’t have any effect other than that the next time around she might put the exams on paper instead of on the blackboard. When you wait until realizing the effects of the problem, however, it just comes across as making excuses.


A few days ago
just kindly walk up to your teacher and explain to her the porblem and ask her if it would be ok for you to do a re-take. if she says no then just be nice about it and walk away. if she says yes and accepts the fact that you do have this problem then thank her and let her know that you appreciate it and stuff like. I had the same problem when I was in grade school. My eyes blurred out on me when I didn’t wear my glasses, my cause was from having a driveway reflecter bounce off of the ground and come back and hit me in the eye. but I do understand and you should just let her know your problem and what is going on.

A few days ago
As you need glasses, why doesn’t ur teacher know this? Have u not told her already ? I think it is too late for this exam , but please tell her right away. If it is appropriate, get ur parents to back u up. Make sure that in future, or at least until ur glasses arrive, that the school is aware of the problem.

Hope this helps