A few days ago

Hello. I am interviewing for an ELL position tomorrow. It is for a job that I already had 50%, but now full?

time. I am interviewing, i believe with one of the school district’s people and not a principal. I am wondering what I should expect. What kinds of questions might they have me answer, and do you think I will have to answer questions in Spanish? I am nervous as I am not ELL certified, but they are considering hiring me and getting me certified. Any help would be great.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Be prepared to explain your experience. Although you are not certified, you must have some experience that makes you a valuable employee, be prepared to emphasize some preparation and also your willingness to work full time while becoming certified.

Be prepared to talk about how you use “sheltered instruction” to support your work with non English speaking or ESL students.

Be prepared to talk about how you would organize a class or how you would organize your time with these students. Include classroom management techniques you would use to keep students focused and on task. Think of the approaches you would use to make the experience inviting to students who are struggling with the English language.

How would you involve parents in the child’s educational experience? Form some sort of a plan if you don’t have one already.

What kind of experiences might you provide to make the experience relevant to the experiences they have had before coming to your classroom.

Smile, sit up straight, and don’t fidget with your hands. Keep eye contact and be sure of yourself!!

Good luck!


4 years ago
Congratulations. It sounds very promising. be sure to be confident and don’t enable your shield down at this next interview. What I propose by using it relatively is don’t be too comfortable. Behave an identical way as you probably did contained in the 1st interview. be sure your handshake is a competent good handshake for the managers. Take a folder with sparkling paper and a pen while you’re required to take down some suggestion. keep in mind that the managers and larger adult adult males are basically human beings such as you. they have properties, families, invoice and pets comparable to you. Being friendly and performing as though they are your human beings quite than superiors will help your nerves to settle. and executives like human beings like themselves. Use an identical words they are utilising and use an identical physique language as them. sturdy success. Vicki