A few days ago
Wes S

Does anyone think teachers should still be able to hit kids?

I think they should, kids need it.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i strongly believe that kids who need it should be paddled

A few days ago
Are you out of your mind teachers have no right to hit kids (neither should parents) and plus if a kid is bad then they should just call home and the parents should ground them or take away the computer or the phone or whatever they like the most but I do on think that teachers should be able to hit kids.

A few days ago
As a teacher I would like the ability to hit kids, but would never want to use it. However, the potential of making my situation worse than it is now causes me to lean toward not wanting teachers to be able to hit kids in the first place.

Okay, sorry, I’m sorta going off on Willafred who answered before me…

Are you saying that paddling is a uncivilized act? As a teacher I am not really pro-hitting in this day and age. As a future parent…

(we are talking of appropriate paddling of course)


A few days ago
NO, teachers shouldn‘t stress out too much over that you know. If a kid is misbehaving he should be sent out of class. I dont even think teachers should be responsible for paddling. Its a waste of time..I have seen a teacher spend about 30mins trying to paddle a student and the student was even worse afterwards because he was ignoring the lesson in class. So whats the point. Someone else should take care of it in the office if it ever gets out of hand in the classroom. Teachers can deal with small problems..

A few days ago
Sweet Pea
No, I don’t think so. The parents should decide whether or not to do it. I agree there is too much potential for a lawsuit if the parent does not approve the teacher doing the spanking. It has changed since I was in school. They used to use a ruler on our hand or a paddle on our bottoms. I have been out of school 23 years and it has changed a lot.

A few days ago
Mellie G
Absolutely not ! That’s not a teachers job. There are other ways to discipline a child.

If teachers were able to do that, we would not be doing the right thing. I know we teachers are standing in front of the class room while we teach, but at the same time we are also teaching students how to act and react to things such as emergencies, bulling and even how to relax after someone says something they don’t like.

If we hit our students, we are teaching them it’s OK to be aggressive. Who knows if we teach our students its OK to hit, maybe one day it will back fire and the students will start to hit the teacher or any other adult.


A few days ago
White Wolf
No, because they are not the kids parents. They can discipline them in other ways though. The only time a teacher should hit a student, is if the teacher needs to defend himself, or if the student is endangering another person.

A few days ago
As a teacher, no.

As a parent with kids in school…absolutely not! I don’t hit my own children and god help anyone who lays a hand on my kids!

If my kids are being little sh*ts in class, call me…I’ll take care of it – I actually parent my kids and don’t let them get away with murder as is the norm for many parents today.

Your statement about “kids need it” is close. They need parents who PARENT, not parents who try to be their friends. Many parents think their kids are “wonderful little angels” in school and if a teacher, god forbid calls home, they berate the teacher for picking on little Johnny. It is not the kids who have issues…it is the parents!

Thank you to all of the parents who teach their kids respect and manners and can step up to the plate of being a parent!


A few days ago
Too much potential for a lawsuit these days. All it takes is for one idiot to take it too far, and the whole system gets sued, potentially raising taxes for everyone to cover the cost. Naw, just let the parents handle the beatings.

A few days ago
Willafred B
They do that in other countries you know, especially in europe and asia, but they are not allowed to do it in most african countries. I heard that african countries are very civilized, but that was from someone who has actually been there, and not from those biased tv shows