A few days ago

Combined classes in elementary? Whats your opinion? Good or bad?

My daughter has been put into a 2nd/3rd grade class. She is in 2nd. im a little concerned. looking for answers from experience.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Assuming that the teacher is good and the class is well organized, this can be a wonderful thing! It allows the teacher to group the kids more by ability than just grade level, so the ones who need more help can get it while the ones who are ready to move on can do so without being held back by the ones who aren’t.

It also means that the more mature students are good role models for the younger ones, and since the older ones don’t want to be mistaken for younger ones, their behavior is often better.

My son was in several multi-grade classes like this, and it was good experience for him. He was challenged and received more teacher attention than he normally would have.

He also liked being around the older kids, and it gave him experience with kids in a different peer group, so when they moved on to schools that group students by grade level, he knew more people, which made him feel more secure.


A few days ago
i was in a 1/2 split for both grades and in a 4/5 split for 4th grade. it was really fun in 1st and 4th grade because there were only about ten of us and we were kind of a little family. there is always the risk of bullying from the older half of the class but that really depends on the students and the teacher. depending on recess schedules she might not get the chance to hang out with friends she has in other classes which can be a bummer but it gives her an oppurtunity to socialize with older kids and gain a little maturity. The biggest benefit i think is that in a split class you get a lot more individual attention because when the teacher is dealing with your grade, it’s a smaller group of kids to deal with. Your daughter may also end up doing some 3rd grade work so it’s a little more challenging. i had a really good time (it may have helped that i had the same teacher every year lol) and i made some really awseome friends so my opinion of split classes is pretty high.

A few days ago
dont they have like all the grades in one class in rural areas