A few days ago

any one else think this is way tooo long????

ok, i never get to see my bf soo we went into the bathroom(guys) ok i addmit thats pretty bad. but some freshmen told on us and said he heard voices from inside the stall…. so ofcourse we get caught, we told them we were just making out, (wich wasnt the whole truth) but for all they kno its true, haha but any ways we both got suspended for 10 days!!! is it just me or is a 10 day susspension to long for making out in a bathroom, escpeicialy for somone who has never gotten detention or suspension or anything, its my first offence

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

that sucks

if you get in a fight in my school you only get 3 days suspension.

The system is really dumb you get 3 days for physically hurting someone and 3 days for name-calling!

I bet your parents are so pissed.


A few days ago
no it isn’t too long, admit its all your fault.

A few days ago
Colin T
its reasonable