A few days ago

wat is diff between SAT &TOFEL?

wat is diff between SAT &TOFEL?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

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Besides what the others said, I would like to add that the TOEFL is a test for non-English speaking students who want to study in American universities. They are required to achieve a high score in order to be admitted to university. This is a proof of their English proficiency and evidence that they can study in English although it’s not their native languge. Some colleges will require you to take orientation Englihs couses if you don’t score high enough before you start your program. Other colleges will not accpet you to start with. This test is not required for English-speaking students.

The test covers the English language as a means of communication: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. It does not cover any other subjects.

The SAT is a test for all freshmen regardless of the fact whether they are English speaking or not. It measures their readiness to enter college and take college courses. It tests their reading, writing, and math skills – and not just their English.


A few days ago
The SATs (pronounced “S-A-T” not “sat”) are standardized tests, formerly called the Scholastic Aptitude Tests and Scholastic Assessment Tests, frequently used by colleges and universities in the United States to aid in the selection of incoming freshmen. The SAT is administered by the private, non-profit College Board, and is developed, published, and scored by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language. An examination created by the Educational Testing Service to measure English proficiency in non-native speakers. Tuition In British parlance, tuition refers to instruction. In American parlance, which tends to be the lingua franca of international business programmes, tuition refers to the basic fee charged for a course or programme.