A few days ago
Cookie Monster

Help, please?

I really need help with this Macbeth question:

One symbol that you think is significant to the text and explain how that symbol is used throughout Macbeth to develop the theme?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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A few days ago
Ok, what symbols do you think there are in the play? Shakespeare was a sucker for using the same things as themes throughout a lot of his works, you should google ‘symbols within macbeth’ read the lists, see which ones you agree with, its a relatively simple question, if you break it down. Remember in all fairness, symbols are open to interpretation, so if you can and will back up your argument you can pick whatever you like! Good luck!

A few days ago
It depends what you mean by symbol. If you are talking themes as symbols then superstition or dreams and omens. Superstition is central to the progression of the plot, as it is the witches who manage to get Macbeth to kill Duncan by casting spells upon him.

Macbeth seeing the ghost at his dinner table is symbolic of his descent into madness.


A few days ago
The 3 witches could be seen as a symbol of fate, of predicitons, and the way predicitons can go awry. Certainly the theme of fate is woven throughout the play.

A few days ago
call this number 298-6636 its homework hotline!they can tell u answeres for anything,.

A few days ago
new years ugh, death is closer
im sorry but the only thing i can say that u probaly should just askor call your teacher.sorry:-(