A few days ago

what are the best tips for studying?

i have an a.p. euro test tomorrow and i have terrible study habits. as in i never study..at all; i can never focus. Any suggestions??

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Really depends on the individual… ie, some people can study with external distractions (music, tv), I hear music even helps some people! Others like silence, like myself because I find I’m able to quiet my mind far easier and thus focus better.

But being real, the best advice I can give you is to study in ‘moderation’, so to speak… meaning don’t try to cram everything into your mind all at once, especially with a class as dense as AP Euro. Split it up, then start the next section.. so on and so forth. You’ll find its easier to retain the information this way.

Also, don’t study if you’re in a bad mood or got something on your mind etc, because if you’ve already got a bunch of stuff racing through your mind before you even start, there’s no telling when you’ll finish.

As far as retaining said information, relate it to something thats easy for your mind to pick up in its ‘registry’, and use deductive logic for the rest.

Just remember, keep it simple! Hope this helps, even if I don’t get picked for best answer. Good luck to you πŸ™‚


A few days ago
Repetition is the mother of all skill. Think of a song, you know all the words right? It has a beat behind it, also you hear it over and over. How do you study? Think about what the question is, and associate the answer with something in your nature/character/ideology of thinking, and attach it with that answer. Example: How many months are in the year? 12 My little brother just turned 12 years old.

It seems simple, but it works.


A few days ago
the best way to “study” really is to just listen in class! that way, you understand all the lessons and in case it happens that you have no time to study, at least you “get” what your lesson is all about.

but.. your question is sounding like the test is near and you have to cram all you need to know before the test.


group studies always work. get a group of friends or classmates, read the notes and lessons, and then just quiz each other or ask each other for help with lessons you are unsure of. (just make sure you and your friends will really study and not just hang out! =p)

best of luck!!


A few days ago
The best way to prepare for a test is to do your work on a daily basis. You will not only do much better on the test but you will understand the work better and remember it longer.

For study techniques go to the sites below.


A few days ago
Go to the library and read the material. read it again and again. Invest in a highlighter and listen to what the instructor is saying. It is such a pain to study, but it has to be done. Good luck on your test!

A few days ago
Prairie Fire
If there are review questions in your text, or module, that is usually what is on the exam. Use these to make yourself a test. Also re-read any important points in your notes.

A few days ago
falsh cards, study with a friend or sibling who can keep you concentrated, look for answers to stuff on the internet and then you feel like your at least doing something

A few days ago
Studying is like eating. It is not enough to chew the food, you also have to digest it to nourish yourself. And study because you like it not because you are forced to do it.

A few days ago
make your own study guide. Write down the questions one one sheet and the answers on another and match them.

That is – after you try to learn them.


A few days ago
go somewhere quiet, and make yourself comfortable so that you will be able to study at ease..

good luck on your test!