A few days ago
Marcos T

TB testing?

I was wondering how many times do you have to take the TB shot. I took it like 2 1/2 years ago and I was just curious if I have to take it again

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

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Depends who you are taking it for. Some places require that you have it every year while others will accept it if your result is two or three years old.

Here is a breakdown of the Mantoux or PPD test:

You are given a very small needle with a liquid in it in your arm. You must then wait somewhere in the neighborhood of 48 hours (but I think 72 hours is the absolute longest you can wait) and return to have the results read by a doctor or nurse.

A negative result means that everything is definitely OK and you are cleared of TB.

A positive result does NOT necessarily mean you have TB or have been exposed to it. It just indicates that you MAY have had exposure at some point. If you receive a positive result, typically a chest x-ray is done to rule out TB. The doctor may also ask you if you have had any symptoms of active TB just to make sure. Once you have a positive result, you will always have a positive result and next time you need to be tested, you have to request a chest X-ray rather than taking the PPD. I am one of those people that just has a reaction to the test and has to be x-rayed every time an employer requires a TB test. It is a real pain sometimes.


A few days ago
You don’t have to take a TB shot unless you are suspected of having TB after a chest x-ray, or unless a test is required for some non-medical purpose, as where some universities require TB test prior to the start of your freshman year.

If you have previously been treated for a positive TB infection that is another story and you should definitely talk to your doctor about that.


A few days ago
A TB shot has to be taken yearly. Don’t forget that you get the shot on one day, and then have it read two days later. Really though, the TB test is not a vaccine but a test to prove that you won’t give the patients you work with any diseases!

A few days ago
Are you referring to the test…I think U R.. it is done if you are in a job where you R in danger of being exposed to it…. health care , teacher, coaches, airline staff etc. or in school for any of the above, .. You must have a test each year if in these fields and if the test is positive you will get a x-ray to rule out TB. I have been giving these (mantoux) for 14 yrs and this is the CDC guide. I have to get an x-ray yrly because I am allergic to the serum.

A few days ago
A TB shot? Are u referring to the test? Because you don’t normally have to take them except once in high school, and if you have symptoms or been exposed to it.

A few days ago
i hadnt gotten mine either in 2 years, so before i volunteered over the summer, i had to get 2 TB shots because it had been such a long time since my last one. i got one, one day, then had to go back exactly a week later to get the second one

A few days ago
You have to take it when you are asked to by your school or employer. Usually it is only when you are first starting at a school and first starting at a job.