A few days ago

Studying tips?

Studying tips?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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For me, I write things out over and over again til it sticks. Then I move on to something else til that sticks, then come back to the first one to see if I remember it. It’s a little tedious and it cramps up my hand, but it seems to work. Saying it out loud helps, too. Everyone learns differently. It depends slightly on whether you are a visual, verbal, or hands on learner. For example, you’ll know if you’re more visual than you are a verbal learner if you have a hard time catching on to things just by hearing someone explain it (verbal), but grasp it really well when you read it (visual). I consider myself a verbal and visual learner, and figuring that out helped me study more effeciently. This is just the tip of the iceburg. The website Learning Styles and Personality Types goes really deep into it and is interesting to read if you are into psychology. Also check out www.studygs.com. It’s a website called Study Guides and Strategies that’s full of anything you’d ever want to know about studying. They even help you prepare and motivate yourself. I hope this helped you out! Good Luck!

A few days ago
B The Change
Go to every class and take notes. Make sure you have read the required reading before class, so you are prepared. While reading, outline the most important info. Before the exam, re-read all your notes and chapter outlines. Then, compile a study guide with all this information. Make sure it is organized and stapled. Read the study guide repeatedly, both to yourself and aloud (it helps to hear the info out loud). Then, have someone quiz you on the study guide but not in the order it is organized. Do this until you get every answer right, and highlight the information you have the most problems with. Then read it some more. If you have time, look over the book again and your notes (this can help connect gaps you may have in your guide). Then read the guide again, and again, and again. It sounds like a lot of work, but it is worth it. You actually learn the information this way. This is what I do, and I have a 3.4 GPA in college. Good luck.

A few days ago
Practice test taking. MOst people read in preparation for a test. The problem with that is that your test will require you to put answers on paper. Take the time to write your own test over the material for which you will be tested (multiple choice works best). Make sure to put in distractors (incorrect answers) that are plausible.

Get a study buddy and you each make a test and then trade them. Take those tests then you each check your own work by looking it up in the text.

This method alone will improve your scores by at least one letter grade if you are not already making an A.

You can also supplement with:

use the tests that are at the end of the chapter of most text books. Ask for previous tests from the teacher. Do your homework on your own.

Essentially you want to practice test taking. Answer questions in other words. Reading and highlighting are rarely required on your actual tests.


A few days ago
Run For Your Life ! 🙂

But if you, like me has trouble doing that…then i suggest that you be prepared in meaning

-Study A LOT

-Eat breakfast

-Make surethe criteria for the test is what you studied

-Study for stuff the teacher didnt say was going to put on the test ….life is full of suprises….



A few days ago
when u study u should only focus on it instead of doing something else

A few days ago
Well that’s pretty vague.

Make flash cards if it’s something to memorize…