A few days ago

My 3rd grader will be testing for the “gifted” program this fall. Is there anywhere online where I can find

sample tests?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

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Usually the tests given to students to qualify for gifted education are IQ tests. There are online tests, but they are not accurate and they are not the same tests that are given to children. A child in 3rd grade could be given an IQ test in a number of different forms, written or verbal/hands on. Ask the school psychologist (or whoever is giving the test) which test they are going to be giving your child. Then you can look it up online to learn more about that particular test.

A few days ago
Martyr Machine
Normally, those are aptitude tests and IQ-type tests that are designed to measure analytical reasoning skills and non-traditional problem solving. These psychological characterists are “built-in” and can’t be easily taught.

Studies do show that students that are expected to perform better usually do so maybe a lot of encouragement and voicing your expectations will go a long way.


A few days ago
for 3rd grade gifted my son was given an IQ test. for 5th grade gifted a school psychologist talked to him for about 45 mins& asked random qs like “what shows do you like, what do you want to be when grow up..? ” & very little writing involved. i doubt you’ll find prep test for gifted since IQ ‘s are what they are. My son missed 3rd grade gifted by a few points & we haven’t heard about 5th yet but i’m not going to pursue anymore. his current advanced classes are tough enough. i heard less then 3% state wide are accepted into gifted.

A few days ago
bin there dun that
I hope not. Just let the chips fall where they may.

I ended up taking my boys out of the gifted program because they wanted to be with their other friends more than the gifted set.

These programs are about the kids … not what the parents want.


A few days ago
You could, but it won’t help. It’s not something you can study for. Just type in ‘free I.Q. test’ and you will get a myriad of results.


There’s an example. Good luck.


A few days ago
I failed in the 1st year but gone in the next. It’ll probably be logic-based multiple choice questions. When we had one for our college entrance exams, we were given different scenarios and we had to pick what we would choose over four possible answers.