A few days ago

Is it better to drop out of college and get married or switch colleges for the 4th time?

My cousin is 20 and dropped out of college to get married. I’m 20 and I’m gonna switch colleges for the fourth time. Which is worse?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
College Guy

Favorite Answer

The person who drops out to get married will regret it for the rest of their life if they don’t go back. The person who college hops at the age of 20 may appear schitzo, but if continuous progress is being made nobody will care once a degree is earned. It’s just an inefficient way to go about it.

A few days ago
Neither, if each person made the choice they felt was best for them. Perhaps higher education doesn’t suit your cousin’s lifetime goals; perhaps early marriage doesn’t suit yours.

Personally, though, I don’t thing switching colleges is the worst decision; it may not be the best or most efficient choice available, but it won’t drastically alter your opportunities after graduation. My brother attended four different colleges, and after six years graduated from a UC with good marks, and later went on to earn his Master’s degree.

I don’t see why your cousin can’t get married AND stay in college; having a baby might require dropping out, but I don’t see how marriage only would necessitate dropping out.


A few days ago
Well, I personally think dropping out is worse. Seems like the person just went to school to find a guy. I think that is lousy…

But switching schools 4 times sounds like a lack of commitment to education – maybe that is just as bad.

When you ask for an opinion about a situation, and give so little information – you are going to get a critical, judgmental answer. There is probably more to both stories – but you don’t provide that.


A few days ago
Education is something that many people look back on and are proud that they completed a degree. Many people regret not finishing a degree. I would keep going to school. You’re still young and have plenty of time to think about marriage!!!! If you really want to, why not do both? Many colleges even offer what they call “family housing” for married couples and students with children. There’s a ton of options out there if you finish school and limited options if you don’t. Finish school!

A few days ago
It’s better to switch then drop out alltogether. Especially to get married at 20.

A few days ago
It’s better to switch. Why drop out? Finish what you started.

A few days ago
Switching instead of dropping out is much better.

A few days ago
Fly On The Wall
I don’t see why someone has to drop out of college to get married unless they’re at a Catholic seminary.

A few days ago
Ask your fiance.

If you don’t have a fiance, stay in college.